Monday 16 December 2013

Keeping healthy beautiful nails

Fingernails and toenails are made from a tough protein known as keratin. This protein is also found in the horns and hooves of other animals. This is referred to as the nail plate - the hard part of the nail formed by several layers of dead, compacted cells that cause the nail to be strong but flexible. There is the part of the nail known as the matrix, this is the tissue which the nail protects and is beneath the nail and contains blood vessels, nerves and lymph.

The matrix is responsible for producing cells that become the nail plate which continues to grow as long as it is provided with the right nutrition and remains healthy. As new plate cells are produced, the old plate is pushed forward.
The nail bed is the living tissue beneath the nail plate which resembles the rest of our skin, containing two tissues, the dermis and epidermis. It contains blood capillaries and glands.

The nail protects the fingertips and surrounding tissues from damage, thus they must be taken care of too for this function to be serviced effectively. Nails grow at different rates depending on several factors ;  age, nutrition, Hereditary matters, sex, season and many more. Fingernails tend to grow faster than toenails. They require from 3-6 months to fully regrow as opposed to toenails that require 12-18 months.

Good nail care is essential for beautiful healthy nails. Many factors appear to affect the health and development of the nail plate. For instance, diseases, lack of good nutrition, exposure to harsh chemicals at work or home all have an impact. General ail health however, has a lot to do with nutrition, it being the best way to maintain healthy nails. So, what should you do to keep your nails healthy and strong?

  • Trim your nails regularly. Nails can get infected, they can also become weak and thus easily breakable.
  • Your nail plate needs to remain hydrated in order for brittleness not to be avoided. Thus regular water consumption is good for your nails and the rest of your body.
  • A well balanced diet that will improve your overall health care will also take care of your nails. It is also thought that since keratin is a protein, an increased protein intake may be needed if your nail plate is badly off.
  • Biotin, Vitamin B supplements have been seen to have significant effects on strengthening the nails, increasing firmness and hardness in only 5 months.Rich sources of this vitamin include eggs, goat meat,  almond, peanuts and yogurt.
  • The lack of two minerals in the body have also been associated with nail plate problems - iron deficiency is thought to be closely related to spoon shaped nails and white spots on the nail are an indication of a lack of zinc. This has not been fully proven however.
  • Do not use your nails to pick and prod stuff. They are delicate and unwarranted force can make them brittle and weak.
  • Do not pull off hang nails. You may rip out live tissue, damaging your nail bed. Instead use the right tools to work on your cuticles and hang nails or get to a salon and have it done the right way.
  • If you deal with many chemicals, wear gloves. This goes for when washing dishes as well, as nails are porous and absorb water, they become easy to break when 'soaked'. You need to keep your nails semi dry and clean to prevent bacteria, fungi and the harsh chemicals seeping into your nail bed creating infections.
  • Use a moisturizer to keep your nails from drying out. Creams with urea and lactic acid can help prevent them from cracking. You can also try this little trick - buy Vitamin E capsules and prick a hole into one. Apply the gel inside the capsule on the nail.
  • Ladies, avoid nail removers that contain acetone and formaldehyde. Invest in base and top coats as well. They are meant to take care of your nail.
  • During the cold season, cover your hands with gloves. The cold can have an effect on your nails making them brittle and weak.
  • Go easy on hand sanitizer - it dries out the hands and nails.

Monday 9 December 2013

How to deal with sunburn

It’s that time of the year where everyone goes down to the coast. You are all packed up and ready to go! But I’m pretty sure you have not taken care of one thing – how will you prevent sunburn? If you have had sunburn before, you know that this can seriously ruin your holiday. You want to send it swimming and running around the beach, not itching and peeling of your skin in the shade.

Sunburn is caused by excess UV Rays hitting your unprotected skin. Unprotected skin means naked skin – exposed to the sun without any protection such as clothing or sunscreen. When your skin is exposed for too long, it gets burnt and irritated. Skin damage is caused by excessive exposure to UVA and UVB rays that penetrate your skin altering your DNA which makes your skin age faster and are thought to be the primary cause of non-malignant skin tumors.

Sunburnt skin is very sensitive to touch, sometimes painful and can develop into blisters. In more severe cases, nausea, fever and chills occur. A few days later, your skin will begin to peel and itch in an attempt to rid itself of the sun damaged cells. Sunburn can occur in less than 15mins and the effect on the skin may not be visible at first. It may turn sensitive after sometime and begin to hurt a couple of hours after that. Continued exposure to sunlight is known to have a significant effect on hastening ageing of the skin ageing process. It is therefore advisable to avoid exposure between the hours of 10 am to 4 pm to minimize the risk. This is difficult as these are the hours we go around to do our business, thus you must wear protective clothing or wear sunscreen with a high SPF that blocks the sun’s rays from penetrating the skin and damaging it.

Research shows for effective results on using sunscreen, application should be at least 10 – 15 minutes before exposure and re apply the sunscreen 15mins after initial exposure. The more you swim, the more you should re apply your sunscreen (water, white sand, concrete, snow and ice reflect the sun’s rays and can cause sunburn so be careful as to where you sit or lie down, even if under a shade).

Beta carotene and Lycopene are chemicals found in certain fruits and vegetables like carrots and tomatoes respectively, and have shown to have a positive effect by increasing the skins ability to resist the effects of the UV light. Ketchup and tomato puree are also high in lycopene.
Vitamin E creams and Aloe Vera creams have been shown to reduce the discomfort of sunburn and help the affected deal with the burns. The peeling of the skin will occur, there is nothing you can do to stop that. 

Do not pull out the skin- remember that your skin is already very sensitive from the burns and by pulling it out, you may tear your skin, damaging it further and it will thus take longer to heal.

Drink a lot of water to aid your body build back its skin faster and keep away from the sun till you heal.

Friday 6 December 2013

What about goat meat?

Goat meat is also known as Chevon or Mutton when from an adult and referred to as cabrito, capretto or kid when from a young one. Goat meat is perhaps the most consumed meat in the world and features in several cuisines as delicacy in Africa, South America and Asia.

Goat meat has a reputation for having a slightly pungent flavor, especially from mature animals but this can be changed depending on how it is raised and prepared. It is said that the best meat comes from goats that are between 6-9 months old. Goat meat can be boiled, roasted, grilled or prepared as chops or in a stew. The legs are mainly grilled while the shoulders of the goat tend to be more succulent thus one chef advises a slow roast method to bring this about.

Goat meat is naturally lean, this means it is low in total fats, saturated fats and cholesterol. It is high in HDL count (good cholesterol) and low in bad LDL (bad cholesterol). Goat meat is also lower in fat than chicken and higher in protein than beef! When compared to other red meats, goat meat outshines them all as it is also lower in calories and has a higher iron and protein content. This is good news for those with high levels of cholesterol as well as those suffering from heart conditions, diabetes, asthma or if you are looking to maintain your waistline. If you are looking to lose weight, goat meat has higher chance of getting you where you want to be than other red meats. Goat meat is also easier to digest than other meats.

Goats also provide milk that is adequate for human consumption. It is also thought to be more nutritious than cow milk, though both contain more or less the same levels of nutrients. Goat milk does excel in certain nutrients where cow milk does not.
Goat milk has been associated with higher levels of zinc, necessary for the immune system, potassium, calcium, magnesium, Vitamins A & C. it also contains less lactose and is easier to digest for those with sensitive stomachs because its chemical makeup is similar to that of breast milk.

Goat milk however has higher levels of total fat, saturated fat and sugar. It has also lower levels of Vit B12, B2 and folate, which are found in good quantity in cow milk.

Of note, goat milk should not be fed to babies or infants – the proteins are too concentrated for them to digest and it’s probably not pasteurized thus may contain bacteria.

Friday 29 November 2013

All about pork.

Pork is one of the most consumed meats in the world with evidence showing pig husbandry dating back to about 5000BC. Pigs were used for purposes other than their flesh; their skin for hide, bones as weapons and as they feed looking for roots and food to eat, they churn up the ground quite a bit making it easy for the farmer to plough his land. Plus their sensitive noses are also used in finding underground growing Funghi - Truffles!  Pork can be consumed freshly cooked or preserved – bacon, ham and sausages are an example of preserved pork.

Pork meat is very high in protein and Vitamins B (Thiamine, niacin, B6 and B12). These vitamins play an active role in your body’s metabolism and energy production.

Contrary to what most people think, our bodies do need fat. Fat aids in production of several hormones, provides energy and is essentials in storing Vitamins such as A, D, E & K and pork has a lot of fat. However, having the fat trimmed off your pork is highly recommended! Trimmed pork is leaner than most red meats that we eat but it is much higher in artery - clogging saturated fats and cholesterol.  

This can create health risks that previously did not exist or add on to those that do. If you suffer from chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes, osteoporosis or you suffer from certain heart conditions, you must consume leaner cuts such as Tenderloin, Loin chops and Sirloin roasts. They still contain the flavor you seek while being lower in calories too.

Extremely crowded conditions that have poor ventilation shafts are not ideal conditions in which to breed pigs, however, this is how most of our pig farms look like. You should then be careful in choosing where you get your pork from. Pork may contain a species of the roundworm called the Trichina worm that causes the disease known as Trichinosis. Infection has however significantly reduced over the years.  Pork also may contain hookworms, pinworms and tapeworms. If not cooked carefully, these worms can transplant themselves into your intestines from the pig. Swine to human infection has happened – the H1N1 virus is an example.
Pork therefore needs to be cooked very carefully before consumption to kill these worms. It has also been suggested that you could freeze your pork before cooking it to kill the worms. Pigs also have a very fast digestive system and no sweat glands. This combination does not allow the body to release toxins through sweating nor does it’s fast system give the pigs body enough time to sift the toxins from the food consumed, thus are just stored with everything else in its fatty tissues. Even after cooking, if the pork is left exposed for too long, it can get re- contaminated.

How you cook your Pork determines how healthy you are eating. Always go grilled over fried when it comes to meat in general. As mentioned above, pork contains a lot of fat so you need to use very little oil or none at all while cooking it.

Monday 18 November 2013

Nigerian cuisine!

There is a new addition to Kenya's No.1 Online food court  - Naija Kitchen Restaurant. Yes, we finally have Nigerian food for all you Naija lovers! There cuisine is very wide, and very unlike ours! However, there are so many foods that we have here at home but do not eat much though healthy. As you view their menu, you may wonder what a couple of foods are!

Ewedu soup is made from made from Mrenda  or from Ewedu leaves, mixed with crushed melon seeds. The leaves are said to contain Vitamins A, C & E which fend off free radicals therefore protecting the body from degenerative disease. (Ewedu was once believed to be part of Cleopatra’s beauty secrets!)

Semolina is made from Durum flour. Durum means hard in Latin as it is the hardest of all wheats. It has a high protein content and is strong thus is used to make pasta – in Italy pasta is mostly made from Durum wheat. When Durum is milled, its endosperm is ground into a granular product called Semolina, used to make breads or pasta or dough like food that resembles our Ugali.  Or it is mixed with water and turned into thick dough that is forced through holes of different shapes to make different types of pasta. Durum has a yellow endosperm, thus its yellowish color when processed. There has been evidence that eating grains can help in losing or maintaining body weight, especially if the wheat is whole wheat - containing all three parts of the wheat grain – germ, bran and endosperm.

Cassava / Manioc / Tapioca Root is a major staple food in most parts of the developing world. It is also one of the most drought tolerant crops capable of growing in poor soils and low rainfall. Nigeria is the world’s largest producer of cassava root. It is a great source of carbohydrates but poor in protein content although the tubers are rich in Calcium and Vitamin C and a significant amount of thiamine, riboflavin & nicotinic acid.
Cassava can be cooked in many ways – it can be bolied or fried, to replace potatoes. In Nigeria, it is ground and made into Eba / Gari – which has a slightly sour, fermented flavor.
Of note, a diet consisting of a lot of cassava can lead to protein deficiency diseases and it contains anti-nutritional factors and toxins thus it must be prepared properly before it is ingested. Improper preparation can leave enough residual cyanide to cause cyanide intoxication & goiter and perhaps paralysis.

Yams are are a versatile vegetable – it can be roasted, fried, grilled, barbecued, boiled, baked or smoked. 
It is a staple diet in many countries and is the staple food of the Igbo people in Nigeria. They are sometimes mistaken for Sweet potatoes, but they in fact belong to another family & yams tend to be starchier and drier while sweet potatoes are smoother. Yams can contain anti-nutritional benefits too, so some varieties must be detoxified – this is done by boiling them in cold or warm water. Like other root crops, Yams are not a good source of protein but it has the highest protein content compared to other root crops. Kwashiorkor is prevalent in areas where Yams are eaten often thus ones diet must have extra protein to prevent this deficiency and promote good growth and development for children. It contains potassium, Vitamin B6 and C, manganese and dietary fiber as well as being low in calories and saturated fat and sodium, suitable for those seeking to lose weight and suffering from diabetes, joint issues and heart related disease.  Yams can also be bolied and mashed with palm oil, served with eggs (A new breakfast idea for you). It is pounded (Pounded Yam) to create a thick starchy paste served with traditional sauces such as Egusi and palmnut soup. Yam can also be cut up into little pieces and sun dried till the Yam pieces turn into a dark brown color and milled to create a brown powder which is mixed with boiling water to create a thick paste known as Amala.

Another vegetable that adorns this diet is Okra. A highly nutritious vegetable, eaten while its pod is still green, tender and immature. It is packed with fiber - good for cholesterol management and is found to contain folic acid, necessary during pre-conception period decreasing foetal defects.
The pods contain healthy amounts of Vitamin A and flavonoid antioxidants such as Beta Carotene, Xanthin & Lutein making it one of the green vegetables with the highest levels of these anti oxidants. They also contain Vitamin B6, C and Vitamin K essential for blood clotting enzymes and required for strengthening bones. Okra can be eaten raw in salads or cooked as a stewed or fried or can be used in a soup - it produces a gelatinous slimy juice which mixes into the stew sauce or soup and is seen as a favorite ingredient.
The list goes on and on! But one thing can be said for sure, they know how to eat healthy -  we should borrow a leaf! And if you like spicy food, try the Jollof Rice!

Have a healthy day!

Friday 15 November 2013

Benefits of eating Lamb.

The meat of a young sheep less than a year old id referred to as lamb. Once the sheep is about 1 ½ years is it known as mutton.

All meats have high sources of protein. However, lamb is said to be healthier than beef or pork. Lamb is widely used the world over, in many Muslim and Christian religious ceremonies use lamb. The diet of Mediterranean people is high in lamb, it is believed perhaps that’s why they are healthier than those who feed primarily on beef.

As mentioned, lamb is a great source of protein with all 8 essential amino acids. Lamb is also high in other  nutrients such as Omega 3 fatty acids which are mostly found in fish and very few plants which help in boosting your immune system & helps to fight heart disease. Vitamin B complex, in particular Vit B12 helps support the formation of red blood cells and prevents anemia, and promotes a healthier nervous system.

Zinc is important for a strong immune system, wound healing and helps stabilize blood sugar levels. It is also useful in enabling optimal smell and taste functions. Selenium (antioxidant), Folate and Manganese are also found in Lamb, these trace elements also aid in reduction of cancer & heart disease. As well as Iron, Phosphorus, Calcium for your bones and Potassium for your muscles.

Lamb liver is especially good for you – one serving can give you about 40% of the recommended daily intake of protein, high in fat & Vitamin A. Lamb kidney is high in protein and iron but not in calories. This is good news for those seeking to lose some weight or reduce the amount of calories they ingest and those suffering from diabetes and is greatly recommended by doctors. Body builders also tend to eat a lot of lamb because of its high fat content.

This however does not mean you can eat all the lamb you want – remember, it is still red meat full of cholesterol, fats and sodium, all detrimental to your health. Though lamb contains lower levels of cholesterol than beef and pork, so eating lamb once a week is enough to reap its benefits.  Naturally occurring substances called purines are found in all red meats. The body is unable to filter them out (it’s responsible for the condition known as gout and the formation of kidney stones). If you have gout, eat very little red meat, lean meat to be precise.

Lamb works well with a wide range of flavors beyond the traditionally used mint sauce. Spices such as cumin and rosemary are good with lamb. You can also braise lamb in wine for a delightful taste! Marinades also work wonders, enhancing the texture & flavor of the meat.

Ground lamb can make good burgers too!

To be healthy, trim the fat on the lamb so you have just the lean meat to eat, which is a lot healthier!

Are you prepared for The Looming Food Shortage?

Today, I read a certain story in the headlines with interest. Former Budalang'i MP Raphael Wanjala and Businesswoman Joyce Akinyi were arrested near Namanga for alleged narcotics trafficking. However, they were released yesterday after the substances in their possession turned out to be maize flour. Apparently, they had brought back some flour from Tanzania because of the looming food shortage in the country.

Although quite sensational, the one thing no one is arguing about is the looming food shortage. Many of us have heard about it but what are we really doing to ensure that we can sustain ourselves in the coming months? The government has not been of much help either. In order to avoid panic and unrest, the consumers have been assured by the government that the issue is being managed. How? For starters, Kenya has started importing food items from other countries. Although that is a smart move, exactly how much will that tax the consumer? Locally produced food retails much cheaper on the shelves.

As long as their is a food shortage, prices of basic food items will continue sky-rocketing. Tough times are ahead, but with careful planning, you can make the situation less strenuous for yourself. Learn to budget and buy food items in bulk while they are still affordable. Shopping early and in bulk will help you ensure that you have stock for the dry months ahead. Pay attention to expiry dates when shopping so you can buy long lasting goods.

You can also cut down on your spending so you have enough money to last you the tough period or better still, opt for cheaper brands when shopping. If you normally buy fine grade maize flour,  you can go for a cheaper brand. If you choose to do this, make sure that you do not compromise too much on quality. A smart shopper gets the best quality at the most affordable price. Do not just go for cheap.

The important thing for you is to plan so you are not caught off guard when the food shortage unrest finally comes down to the consumer.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Luos and their fish...

In Kenya, fish is found in Lake Victoria. The surrounding is occupied by the Luo tribe in Kenya and are thus famous for their love of fish. Luos enjoy a wide variety of fish from the Lake. The most common fish sold locally are the Tilapia and Nile perch.

There is no standard way of cooking fish. Each person has their tastes and differences.

Different types of fish are best made in different ways thus making it a versatile meal among the Luos.

The most widely adopted process is the frying of the fish in extremely hot oil first thing before preparation. This is done to pre-prepare the fish for cooking, although at this point your fish is ready to eat! It also helps with the preservation of the fish.

 Fish can be eaten fried, as a stew or dry. There are many different recipes you can use to make a delicious meal. Fish flavours are also found in many of our products.

In Nairobi, Mama Oliech Restaurant is the go-to place for all fish lovers. The name ‘Mama Oliech’ resonates fondly in our ears being that it is in reference to Kenya’s star footballer Dennis Oliech.
Prices vary from as little as kshs. 200 to about ksh. 800 for a typical meal of fish and an accompaniment. As usual it depends on which side of town you are and which restaurant you eat from.

Surprisingly, fish is not cheap in Kisumu either. You would assume that since it is practically at the lake, the fish would be cheaper! However, because they are so fresh and require different storage and transportation to be delivered to the customer in the desired conditions, the prices tend to shoot up. You can however get great deals from individual fishermen around the lake.

                                Here is a popular 'Obambo 'recipe from the luos.

Thursday 7 November 2013

For the meat lovers...

In the quest to learn more about meat, we have so far uncovered a few tid bits that would definitely be of some interest to you....

·       -  White meat is healthier than red meat. This is not to say you should not have dark cuts. But if you are looking for leaner high protein cuts Turkey & Chicken breasts (the parts without skin) should be your first choice.
·        - Pork is not efficient enough a source of protein as beef or even chicken.
·         - Frying meat just adds fat to the meat. Grill your meats instead for great flavor and it’s healthier as you will use the meats own fats to prepare it.
·         - You know how your meat sometimes turns grey when preparing it? You put in too much into the pan, next time, do not put in a lot, the excess steam created by overcrowding is the problem.
·         - The world’s cattle population is about 1.3million, they consume about a 1/3 of the world’s grain.
·         - Kobe beef is the most expensive beef produced in the world by Japanese. The Kobe beef cattle are fed on a diet of soybeans and beer and given a daily massage.
·         - Once you are done with your chopping board, make sure you wash it thoroughly; Bacteria may grow very quickly and contaminate the next meat you cut. You should also have separate cutting boards for vegetables and meat.
·         Burgers cook faster if you poke in a few holes; this allows the heat to circulate more evenly.
·         - Tomatoes added to a roast will tenderize meat naturally through tit’s acids that help breakdown meats.
·         - Veal has less fat than other meats and comes from young milk feeding calves
·         - Meat consumed in high quantities can inhibit the absorption of Manganese.
·         - To prevent the fat from splattering when frying sausages, try flouring them a little before putting them in.
·         - Flat beer is excellent for tenderizing meat, its fermentation qualities do the trick.
·         - Always cut meats across the grain when possible. It’s easier in appearance and easier to eat.
·         - To bread meats, dip them in beaten egg then to the breadcrumbs and fry. Or you could put them in the fridge for a few minutes before frying.
·         - To make liver softer, soak it in milk or tomato juice, out in the fridge for about 30 mins before cooking.

 Keep Reading every Friday to learn more!

Sunday 3 November 2013

Get with it & start downloading your food!

Kenya's biggest online food store is sporting a new look!

Everything is going digital. Most of our dealings and transactions one way or the other have to do with the internet. When you are looking for a house, you'd rather go online to the sites that specialize in such information. It cuts the amount of time you would have taken by yourself, walking around then getting's just easier. When you want to look for a car, you can go online. Cleaning services, Job advertisements, Phones, name it! So why not food :) is your No.1 online food store - It's just like walking into a food court with many restaurants for you to choose from. We feed and inform you at the same time!
Our Featured section let's you know the HappyMeals week looks like.
The Weekly Review allows to to have an in depth look into various eateries in town. We highlight for your convenience Nairobi's best cafes and bistros so you can make a more informed choice next you want to eat out.

The HappyMeals Food Store allows you to shop online. Think of how sometimes at lunch you are swamped and you find it hard to leave the office for lunch so you skip. This is where we come in - listed for you are many restaurants in and out of Nairobi's CBD complete with their menus from where you can buy your food. Every meal item on the menu has it's description and it's price next to it. To buy your meal, all you need to do is click on Add to Cart, checkout and fill in the delivery form because your meal will be delivered to you! Isn't that easy?
Learn more on How To Order.

Our Grocery Store  brings you Farm Fresh News, important information affecting our farms and food life alike.
Online Kiosk;  If going to the market does not please you then this is for you! We are listing for you various food suppliers who supply fresh produce, meat, eggs, milk, vegetables etc And all you'd need to do is send us your shopping list and your grocery shopping will be done for you! Fresh food at the click of a button, doesn't that sound good??
And if you are interested in supplying your produce, contact us here.

Specials ;
Breakfast: We all have busy mornings, so more often than not we do not have time for a proper breakfast. What you then could do is visit this page every morning and place your order for the breakfast of the day. or you could have your breakfast delivered from another restaurant nearest to you so you and your breakfast arrive to your office at the same time.
Daily Specials bring you the meal of the day! You can place your orders for the special of the day too and payment is on delivery!
Deals and discounts allows you to vies the various deals on meals in town! B.O.G.O.F, discounts, special offers on various meals - Pizza, Burgers, Sodas, Cake....
Our Weekly Menu helps you choose and buy your meals for the week at once and you forget about it. We package for you at an attractive cost, tasty treats from various restaurants and package the meal for you. Your meals get delivered to you daily and on time.

Our Bakery will make you salivate!
The Pattiserie is for those with a sweet sweet tooth! Cake houses are listed for you to easily find them. Want a custom made cake? Or would you like to get your loved one a cake but do not know where to start? We list Nairobi's finest cake house, with their cake menu and prices making it easy to make your decision. You can even get you cake delivered to you!
Visit our D.I.Y section too. Let's learn how to bake together!

Oh! And we also got lots and lots of recipes for you to try out! Don't burn the kitchen! :)

The holiday season fast approaches, Events show you what's happening in and around you, where it's happening and what happens next! IF you have an event you would like shouted, let us know!

There's a lot for you to see and do on one stop online food shop! Talk to us share with us, we welcome comments and questions...

Welcome to Online Food Shopping!!

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Planning for your Harvest

The end of the year is synonymous with many festivities. For farmers, these festivities are observed with diligence. I mean, you would if you got a fat end of year bonus. Suddenly, Christmas will make meaning to you because you can afford to slaughter a goat. Your diary will even boast a whole page listed with gifts for Boxing day and your social life will be so busy and exciting.

The farmers in Rift Valley who produce the country's staple meal, maize, just got their harvest. But No, none of them has confirmed Christmas plans with the' relas' in the village. Reason? There is no one to buy the maize!


So the National Cereals and Produce Board (N.C.P.B)are currently not buying maize from farmers. Has anyone told them that the farmers are currently harvesting their yield.   When do they plan to buy the healthy produce from the farmers? When there is a shortage maybe? Right now, many farmers are crying out because their produce is going bad. They have harvested but the N.C.P.B is letting them down!

A bountiful maize harvest
Anyway, Kenya Food Diary is about helping farmers. Here a few things you can do so you never find yourself in the same position as the farmers in Rift Valley. This story is not new so better be prepared!

Plan ahead
 When you start planting, think of harvesting too so make sure you know what you will do with your harvest soon as it leaves your farm. Planning ahead involves identifying a market, getting good storage, transportation e.t.c.

Store your harvest and sell it later
The N.C.P.B. is the national body that buys from the farmers. However, around this time every year, many farmers are compelled to sell their harvest at a throw-away price which sadly, is set by the government. That is after all, the statutory farmers market   You can choose to go that way and complain when they refuse to buy or bear with the prices.Alternatively, find a different market altogether; or you can get good storage, treat your harvest, and store it for future sales. Between January and August maize production countrywide is low and you will definitely find a market then and at a competitive price.

Treat and store your harvest well for future sales.
Find a market beforehand
There are individuals or middle men who buy maize and other produce. Talk to a few before you harvest, they may just be interested in buying from you. Ensure that you find the best price and a reliable buyer who will not bail on you once the harvest comes.

The most important thing is that you have good storage so that if you are truly unprepared to sell after harvest, you do not risk the loss of your healthy produce as well. Maize goes bad when left in the shamba past harvest. They get wet, get worms and start breeding. The secret is to get your maize out of the shamba soon as it is ready. Dry it, treat it with pesticide regularly and then store it well before you get the ideal market.

Apart from N.C.P.B, note that you can sell your harvest to companies, hotels and restaurants, individuals, resorts among others. Do not limit your options!

Monday 28 October 2013

HappyMeals Weekly Menu

Your visit to should be different today! There's something new on the menu and I am sure you will absolutely love it!!!

Planning for lunch can be quite expensive.There are too many varieties at different prices. You may find that you spend lots of cash on lunch at the end of the month and therefore need to budget for your lunch. If you have a specific amount of money for lunch each day, chances are you will eat the same thing every day!
With the new weekly budget menu, you can buy lunch for the whole week and forget about it!

This is how it works:
  • Visit
  • Click on the store to view a number of restaurants as well as a weekly meal plan
  • Click on the daily meal plan
  • Add the menu to cart to purchase the entire week's menu
  • You will get food from different restaurants all week delivered to you free of charge
HappyMeals Weekly Menu #1

As you will note from the menu, meals have been selected from different restaurants. The whole idea is to ensure that you get a balanced meal every day at an affordable price and to make your lunch more interesting. You will get to eat different meals from different places! 

Once you purchase the menu, your lunch problems have been sorted all week. You need not pay for anything any more. It also becomes easy to manage your cash as you get to save and spend wisely. You also benefit from having your meal planned for you. You may be stuck on beans and rice on a daily because you lack options. Our weekly meal plan is full of varieties. We understand food so we shall be making a diverse menu.

 A new menu for the following week will be put up online for customers.  Each week, we have a weekly lunch menu on sale for the following week. Interested parties should purchase their menus in advance to be received by 11.00 am on Mondays. Once submitted, you need not order again as the menu will cover your meals for the whole week. The restaurants on your personal menu will deliver everyday at the designated time.

We have engaged the services of an expert to make the weekly menu for our customers. There shall be interesting varieties of food for you from different restaurants. We shall also ensure you eat well by ensuring each menu is balanced and contains important nutrients needed for the body.

Friday 25 October 2013

Why fish is good for you.

How much fish do you eat? Most of us eat more beef and mbuzi than white meat - it is healthier, but sadly more expensive.

Substituting some of your Beef and Mbuzi days to Fish is one of the best steps you can take in achieving a healthier lifestyle for you and your children. Fish are packed with vitamins and nutrients and research shows that eating fish has numerous health benefits for those with various ailments- they are an excellent source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids, low in fat, very high in protein, iron, calcium, Vitamin B12, magnesium... the list goes on.

Omega-3 fatty Acids are founds in very tiny quantities in some plants, none produced by the human body but it is found in plenty in fish. Omega-3 fatty acids are necessary for the key development and growth of the human body. In its right quantities, it is said to have major effects on your health and prevention of diseases.

  • Cancer; research has shown that those who eat fish at least twice a week have a lesser chance of developing certain cancers especially prostate cancers, than those who did not eat any fish at all.
  • Heart disease; eating fish on a regular can help prevent heart disease. Fat levels called Triglycerides in the blood are lowered by Fish- raised levels can cause heart attacks, strokes etc. The fish oils also help to heal the heart after a stroke or a heart attack by reducing blood clots, inflammation, lowering blood pressure and raises the 'good fat' levels in the heart.
  • Brain damage; The fatty acids found in fish contribute to the health and development of brain tissue and the retina behind the eye. They also prevent certain brain cells from damage. this can help prevent, dementia and Alzheimer's.
  • Diabetes; fish oils reduce blood sugar levels as well, helping those with diabetes balance their sugar levels the healthy way while taking medication.
  • Pregnancy & breastfeeding; Pregnant women are encouraged to eat fish as it helps prevent the chances of premature labor. mothers who are best feeding can transmit Omega-3 fatty acids to their babies which in turn helps to improve the babies eyesight. as said earlier, fish oils help in maintaining the health of our retinas.
  • Inflammatory conditions; Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis etc are reduced by eating fish regularly -  iron, calcium, magnesium and Omega-3 acids are good for strengthening and maintenance of bone structure and help to reduce the inflammatory effects that the diseases bring.
  • Asthma / Colds & Flu's; The best remedy to give your child as they grow are fish oils. These help to maintain the child's health, especially if they are prone to colds and flu's and kids who eat fish are less likely to get asthma.

To get the best results from fish, have it about twice a week and you would rather bake, poach, steam or grill the fish, rather that fry it- you just add the bad fats to your meal, thus end up doing more harm than good. 
A point to note, Mercury is dangerous for humans. Certain Fish contain more mercury than others (Sharks, Marlins...and others I didn't know exist or could be eaten..) this is especially important for expectant women, Consult your doctor first before you plunge into a fish eating frenzy.

Have a fishy weekend!

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Maize Farming: Useful tips for a good yield

The end of the year is drawing to a close. It is only yesterday when HappyMeals set up shop and started this regular blog! The year has practically flown!! Anyway, I watched news with interest yesterday, it is harvest time in Eldoret and the town is abuzz with activity. Everybody wants a piece of the pie. The farmer is just about to get his reward :-)

Maize is the staple food crop in Kenya. First time farmers can grow maize as it has a ready market and is a  tried and tested cash crop. Chances of failing the first time you try your hand at farming will be reduced if you abide by the following guidelines. You will save money and the rewards will be totally worth it. Farmers who follow recommended guidelines in maize planting can harvest up to 40 bags per acre at the end of the year. With a single bag of maize being bought at an average price of Kshs. 4,000 by the National Cereals And Produce Board (N.C.P.B.), do the math! And trust me, the cost of growing it will not compare to what you make.

Below are a few guidelines you can employ to ensure you get a good yield:

  • If you are leasing land, make sure you know its recent history. A shamba that has been over used requires better preparation. Continuous usage of land robs it of nutrients and other important qualities which result in a bad harvest. Plough three or four times before you plant your maize. Use a hoe to remove dead weeds and other unfavourable objects. The ploughing will loosen the soil and unearth the weeds. By the time you are planting, the shamba should be fertile to give a good return. 
  • Plant early. At the onset of the rains, grow your maize. Planting late greatly reduces the yield from your shamba. Our weather patterns favour a lot of crops, timing is important so you need to develop an interest in the weather segment after News!
  • Next thing you need is to get the correct hybrid seeds. There is a variety and your choice will be based upon the altitude and rainfall. Again, know your weather!
  • Once you buy your hybrid seeds, make sure you get advice on the level of harvest and how best to maximise the returns. You need vital information such as the number of seedlings per acre, distance between each hole and so forth. 
  • Make sure you plant extra seeds which will compensate for any losses of the actual seeds. Avoid planting your seeds together with the fertilizer. This can cause seed scorching which could kill your seeds before they germinate.Mix the fertilizer with the soil, then plant your seed. Once you plant, cover it loosely with soil. Do not bury your seedling so deep in the ground that it misses out on good nutrients. Do not plant it too loosely as it can be easily washed away by the rain or water.
  • Start weeding your crops early and keep at it till they flower. Do it regularly to keep a tidy and clean environment for your plants to thrive.
  • Apply insecticide to each and every plant. In Kenya, the most annoying pest for maize farmers is the stalkborer. Get rid of it.
  • Soon as you harvest, ensure that you also apply the correct pesticides during storage. Weevils and other insects will be waiting to attack the then dried food so take appropriate measure!
If you follow the above guidelines, you are bound to get a good yield and after the first time, you can comfortably take up farming! As usual, HappyMeals will continue to bring you useful info to enhance your farming experience.

Note: If you hope to grow maize next year, you should have already secured your land. It should be ready for early preparation soon.

Monday 21 October 2013

What's on your breakfast plate?

What do you have for breakfast? In fact for most of us, Tea & Bread is our staple breakfast, so the question then becomes, what kind of loaf are you eating? I'd I bet my last Shilling that you pass the very healthy Brown and Whole meal bread just as fast as you pick up the zero nutritious sweet white bread.

Just like everything else that you consume there are the good and the bad. Bread eating for breakfast is not an African thing actually, we were more about Sweet Potatoes (Ngwaci), Arrowroots (Nduma), Bananas, Chapati, Uji, know, the healthy stuff. Now we just pile on the pounds with Sausages, Eggs, Bacon, Pancakes...the unhealthy stuff.

We keep emphasizing here that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It's all well and good if you like bread and sausages and bacon, you should just be more careful in the manner in which you combine these foods to achieve a healthier body. Breakfast dictates how the rest of your day will go. If you have a lousy one, you will be lazy and tired all day as opposed to eating the right foods that will energize you. Your breakfast should have an array of items, just the same way the rest of your meals play out. Take your time to have breakfast.

Fiber is just one healthy whole grain component. Whole grains - wheat, rye, oats are rich in vitamins and minerals which contain at least as many antioxidants as fruits and vegetables. This is what you aim for and just because bread is brown and has fiber and wheat written on it, doesn't mean it is healthy. Some companies just darken their bread to appeal to the healthier demographic. Pick one from a trusted brand, it may be pricier, but it will go a long way into helping reduce that waist line. Or pick up some oatmeal or cereal.

Protein in the morning is the boost of energy you need for the day. Yes, you can have sausages and bacon, but how about you substitute that with a boiled egg? Less fat & cholesterol to go around. Or on your bread, do a nice spread of peanut butter. :) Nuts are good for you and peanut butter pack a good punch of protein. This is especially good for kids since all they do is run around all day. How many slices of bread - 2 are enough. The good bread please...and you could put in some cheese to make a sandwich.

Substitute your morning caffeine with a cup of hot chocolate or some milk. Juices and smoothies are also ideal. Tea and coffee are drugs - they make you dependent and dehydrated. They only give you a boost only to have your blood sugar levels crash before noon. Blend some fresh fruits together, bananas, melons, oranges and throw in some yoghurt. It's tasty nutritious and cheap :)

And drink some water. You just spent 8 hours asleep, your body is dying for a drink!

Have a brilliant breakfast!

Friday 18 October 2013

Looooong weeekend - Let's BBQ!!

Hata Kama tulinyimwa Moi Day, Mashujaa Day is coming! :)

What are you up to this long weekend? Most of us will take this opportunity to get together with our families and go visit our parents up country, it's not too often that some of us get to see them. The rest will be either working or relaxing with their friends in the city. 

As is the Kenyan Culture, we are all about Meat! Nyama Choma to be precise. We have several places in Nairobi where you can go with your friends and get a mbuzi or some chicken and have a good time. But do you really trust where you are getting your meat from? The dust, dirty water, dirty hands that touch oil, paper, money and even worse! So when you wake up on Sunday on top of your already pounding head, your stomach decides to go to driving school...

You do not need that. How about you have one at home? The weather for the last couple of days has been beautiful, it takes very little preparation and with the help of your friends, it can turn out to be quite cheap and really fun! Leme download to you the steps on how you can quickly have a grand nyama choma afternoon in your backyard - Sizzling Spare Ribs, Grilled Beef Steaks...Sausages and Kebabs! I'm hungry! 

  • Only invite meaningful friends aka the ones who contribute to costs...uchumi mbaya.
  • Write out a list of items you would need -Mbuzi, Potatoes, Unga, Veggies complete with prices etc and give it to your friends. They can pick what they can afford to bring or alternatively you can calculate the costs of all your items and split between yourselves.
  • Split tasks - Usually the men deal with the meat (buying, cutting, grilling) and the women come up with the accompaniments (Ugali, Fries, Kachumbari, Naan..) 
  • These can all be prepared at once, when everyone is there - fosters conversations and everyone gets to know each other and bond. Or everyone could come having made their bits and you have more time to sit and relax instead of running around cooking.
  • Do not grill cold meat. Meat that is for grilling is meant to be room temperature. Read more on how to grill your meat.
  • Preheat the grill to the right temperatures, this cuts down your time.
  • If you want to marinate your meats for the BBQ, make sure you have the right marinade prepared in good time. 
  • Put in sausages, chipolatas etc as bitings as the main meats grill.
  • Put out plenty of refreshments for your guests, some good music and enjoy the long holiday!

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Opportunities for Young Farmers

The youth and Women expo currently taking place at the KICC has been lauded as one of the biggest steps towards empowerment and development. More youth, women and disabled people are urged to get into business. The government is ready to involve you.A gazette notice on July 18th gave the directive for women, youth and disabled persons to be given a chance to participate in building the nation.The new directive sets aside 30% of all public tenders for youth, women and persons with disabilities.

Although it officially kicked off yesterday, I may have spotted some tenders in the dailies which made me smile. Just a month ago, one of the National Oil Corporation advertised tenders for different items and services and it felt so good to notice that some of the requirements to apply for the tender was that you must be an SME or Youth funded project. I was impressed because it means you no longer need 10 years worth of experience to offer professional services.

Small businesses, micro enterprises or disadvantaged persons who wish to participate in public procurement have to register at the National Treasury or the respective county treasury offices. All the registered entities from the national and county treasuries shall be consolidated and published by the Public Procurement Authority. All public entities are required to comply with the new rules and file quarterly reports with the Public Procurement Authority.

Just the other day, through an advert, the president also welcomed the youth to access funds for businesses and development. The uwezo fund is available for women and youth who wish to set up businesses and make a livelihood for themselves.There are very many jobless youth in Kenya but unlike the recent past, more opportunities have come up.It is upon us to take advantage of the opportunities available.

If you have been thinking of farming, I think you are right on time. Just the other day, Kenya's biggest corporate giant, Safaricom, through the Safaricom Foundation gave a grant of Kshs. 20 million to the initiative which helps young farmers get a market for their produce.

The opportunities are amazing. You can easily access the money to start off your farm projects with your friends. The market has been opened up to include you. If you have just started commercial farming, now it is time for you to start thinking big by applying for big tenders and selling your products online. What is still holding you back from pursuing your dreams?

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Benefits of marinating your meats

A marinade is a savoury acidic sauce in which food is soaked to enrich its flavour or to tenderize it. The purpose is still as it was in the earlier centuries: to tenderize and flavour.

 Marinades typically consist of an acidic ingredient like vinegar, lemon juice, wine, plus oil and herbs or spices. Red meat marinades do not always contain oil since the meat generally contains enough fat.

To marinate is a verb that means to soak food in a marinade. You treat the meat like a sponge and enable the meat to absorb flavour.

Apart from tenderizing your meat, marinating your meats infuses flavours directly into the meat giving out a rich aroma and a delightful taste.
There is no specific recipe for marinating your meats therefore you can be as creative as you wish. Depending on your tastes, buy the kind of spices with the flavours of your choice. If you like sugar, go ahead, some Chinese marinade recipes consist of sugar and they may just be useful. The secret is to blend in the spices and seasoning well enough so the end result is a tasty treat.

There are two types of marinades. Dry and wet. A dry marinade consists of salt, herbs, and aromatics. You are advised to add some oil to your dry marinade to aid in pasting. This kind of marinade is excellent for quick meals and tender cuts of meats which do not require tendering.
A wet marinade normally consists of salt, spices and some acid. They are especially great for tenderizing meats as well as flavouring them.

You can marinate any kind of meat be it chicken, beef, fish, pork and so forth. Apart from the flavours, the amount of time taken to marinate one cut of meat also varies from another. Chicken can be well marinated after two hours while for a tough cut of beef, you may need to do it overnight. Ensure that you set time aside for marinating before you get cooking as this will slow you down. The secret is to start marinating long before you intend to cook. That way, you can flavour your meat, forget about it and later on cook it with the rest of your meal.

While looking for recipes, ensure that you get spices that are agreeable with you and to those around you. Keep in mind that the more the flavours, the tastier your meats will be so ensure that you blend in at least four different types of seasoning to your marinade. Be sure to also find the right marinades for your type of meats. Different spices taste better with different kinds of meats so ensure you get the right chicken, beef, pork or fish marinades.

Next Wednesday, come back and read about different marinade recipes for different types of meats.

Monday 14 October 2013

What's so great about Aloe Vera?

When I was young, we went to visit our grandmother upcountry who at the time lived near a forest - it wasn't a forest, that's what kids translate as many trees...we would play in this "forest" all day, and one day I got a nasty cut on my knee. My grandmother got a panga, cut a piece of the Aloe Plant and applied it's gel all over it. The wound was sealed in a matter of hours and healed a few days later.

Aloe Vera may as well be one of the most versatile medicine in existence. It has been cited in various texts dating back to the 1st Century AD, called the Harmonious Remedy by the Chinese, Herb of Immortality by the Ancient Egyptians. It's healing and rejuvenating characters have been hailed by many scientists and doctors too who recommend it to their patients.

Most people who grow Aloe do it for ornamental reasons, its thick fleshy leaves and its interesting flowers provide aesthetic value and for its medicinal purposes. Aloe grows well in low rainfall areas meaning it can survive in your garden out back or you could grow it in a pot in your house - it must be a well drained pot in sandy potting soil and bright sunny conditions. Too much sun may cause it to burn and too much water because of non drainage will cause it to shrivel up. It is relatively resistant to most insect pests though some species of pests may cause a decline in plant health. They are though simple and easy to maintain and they can survive for a long time.

Aloe Vera in its raw for has numerous benefits from used as a food preservative water conservation in small farms to dilution of semen for the artificial fertilization of sheep!  Most cosmetic companies are now purporting to put Aloe Vera in our soaps and lotions and pills and etc....but how much do they really put in for you to really get the benefits you are paying for? You know the saying, if you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself.
The clear gel like substance contains Saponin, a chemical compound that acts as an antimicrobial agent used to treat wounds and increase its healing, burns, cold sores, sun burn, skin infections and to moisturize dry skin. Some chemicals in the aloe gel seem to be able to increase blood circulation in the vessels. The aloe gel well seems to have properties that are harmful to bacteria and fungi. If you have dry skin, or you have been sunburnt in the last coupla days that the sun has shown bright, apply some of the gel on your face for a few minutes and wash off - if you must. It has a refreshing feeling and it will moisturize your face.

When you need some aloe, just cut out a piece and squeeze out the gel and apply it generously on the affected areas - cutting it will not kill the plant. It will seal up and continue growing - if this does not prove to you its regenerative powers, I dunno what will!

Sunday 13 October 2013

Table manners...learn them!!

Table manners is not just for children. misbehaving at the table is actually expected of them, but for you? Tis unacceptable. Terrible dinner manners could be the reason you do not get a certain job, or the girl that you took to an expensive place and you wonder why you did not get a call back! A lot of importance is placed on how one behaves while eating as it reveals quite a bit of your character t the other person - eating is a human basic need, how you behave when hungry says it all.

Kwa kibanda the general rule is just don't hit anyone with your elbow as you lift your hand to your mouth, but at a fancy restaurant you gotta leave your "uncivilized" habits, sit straight & learn how to eat with a fork and knife. Which fork and which knife I'm I supposed to use? Why the many knives and forks anyway you may ask? This arrangement confuses many, be worried not, we got it down for you. If you are going to a fancy restaurant, by the time you are done reading, you will be comfortable and well behaved!

  • When you sit down, unfold your napkin and place it on your lap. Do not shake it open. Napkins are used for dabbing at your mouth,you do not tuck it into your shirt like a bib neither is it for wiping your hands or your face!
  • The waiters always serve on the left. So as they approach, remember this and slightly lean to your right to accord them access to place your food in front of you. 
  • Your drink, rather your glass is the one always to your right. This is important to remember - your food is on the left your drinks on your right. Always.
  • If you must get up in the middle of the meal, excuse yourself politely and place your napkin on your chair - it indicates that you are coming back.
  • Do not gulp or slurp at your drink, drink from the edge in small sips (Ladies...)

  • Flatware (knives, spoons & forks) how to use them - always eat from the outside in. This means your outer most fork, spoon or knife are the ones you are to start with. To your left side are the forks - the salad fork is your outer most fork, followed by your dinner fork. To your right - your soup spoon is on your outer most right, followed by a beverage spoon (mainly for pudding) salad knife then dinner knife next to your plate. The dessert fork & spoon are the ones above your plate. 
  • During a formal meal, eat when everyone begins eating. It is crass to start of on your own and have the others watch you. Sit up straight and do not put your elbows on the table. 
  • When you are taking a break from eating, keep the knife & fork facing down on the plate, on the sides. This signals that you are not done with your meal. Do not point your flatware at anybody while talking, and most of us pick up our drink as we still hold our forks - stop it. Put down your fork and pick up your drink.
  • And if you happen to drop your knife or fork, do not use it again or use the napkin to clean it - the waiter will exchange it for you.
  • Food is passed to the right, not to the left. Do not pass food across the table & do not reach for it from across the table either.
  • When you are done eating, place your fork & knife at the center of your plate, together, the tines (pointed thingis) of the fork facing up with the knife under it - this signals the end of your meal and your plate will be taken away. Same goes for your napkin, tidily place it on the side of your plate, not crumpled or folded.
  • Be nice to the waiters, without them you would not enjoy your fabulous dinner!
  • Be nice to your dinner mates, keep the conversation cool and polite and relax!

Friday 11 October 2013

Seasoning your meats...


     Do you remember the last time you went for an event and you ate that bad steak? The one that was too salty, or not enough salt? Or that really expensive restaurant you went to and their pepper steak was more of pepper than steak? Or when you one time went a bit to far with the Rosemary leaves...the question then becomes, is it that hard to season meat? 

     Nah, it ain't. The secret? Patience. The stage at which you seasoning meat is the stage that makes it tender and succulent, when you take your first bite, it's a little hard and crispy on the outside but juicy and soft on the inside with a little hint of a fatty taste, if done just right. Achieving perfection taketh time!

     When you are handling meat, you need to ensure that you have ample time to prepare it - when you rush the end result is always a disaster. Understand a few facts about seasoning - Different meats have different spices and you do not have to put all your spices to make your meat taste good. In fact, sometimes no spices is the best thing.
     Let me breakdown a few spices that are good with certain types of meat. After you read this, go and rearrange your spices drawer...

  • BEEF; Basil, Black / Green Pepper, Cayenne, Cumin, Curry Powder, Onions, Sage, Rosemary & Lemongrass.
  • POULTRY: Basil, Bay Leaf, Cinnamon, Curry Powder, Marjoram, Mint, Paprika, Parsley, Lemongrass, Sage, Saffron, Thyme & Rosemary
  • FISH; Curry Powder, Cayenne, Dill Seeds, Marjoram, Sage, Thyme, Mint, Onions, Paprika, Parsley, Red Pepper, Sesame seeds & Turmeric
  • LAMB; Cinnamon, Cumin, Curry Powder, Thyme, Garlic, Oregano & Basil
  • PORK; Cloves, Coriander, Ginger, Paprika, Sage, Savory & Dry Mustard Powder.
  • VEAL; Black Pepper, Curry Powder, Parsley, Lemon, Ginger, Paprika, Mint, oregano, Dill, Saffron & Sage
  • LAMB; Cinnamon, Cumin, Curry Powder, Rosemary, Thyme, Mint, Onion & Garlic
     Or some of them. The list is not complete and you do not really have to follow this to the letter. A little mix to your steak does not hurt. The most important seasoning there is, is salt. Before you grill your meat, it is recommended that you salt it at least 30 - 40 mins before your put it on the grill. Salt is a dessicant (it induces a state of dryness) as it draws the moisture to the surface, but after a while, this moisture thus gradually goes back into the meat, tenderizing it. Salt also breaks down the meat, making it more succulent. This though you should only do to tough meats, it you have a soft steak this process will just make it softer thus spoiling your steak. You can add pepper to your meat at the same time with the salt, but some chefs say this gives the steak a smoky taste as the pepper burns when it comes into contact with the heat. Though if you are on for a smoky juicy steak, that's how to do it!

     Marinating steaks is also a good way to rev up a boring steak. Sauces added to the steak in it's preparation stages can really make your meal something else! Why don'y you try these two recipes and tell us how they work out for you! Marinate your steaks in;

1. Soy sauce and Worsteshire sauce for about an hour before grilling them
2. Mix and mash lemon, garlic and some nice fresh herbs (dhania perhaps). Lemon  juice, crushed garlic, salt & pepper. Marinate your steak for about an hour and grill!!