Monday 16 December 2013

Keeping healthy beautiful nails

Fingernails and toenails are made from a tough protein known as keratin. This protein is also found in the horns and hooves of other animals. This is referred to as the nail plate - the hard part of the nail formed by several layers of dead, compacted cells that cause the nail to be strong but flexible. There is the part of the nail known as the matrix, this is the tissue which the nail protects and is beneath the nail and contains blood vessels, nerves and lymph.

The matrix is responsible for producing cells that become the nail plate which continues to grow as long as it is provided with the right nutrition and remains healthy. As new plate cells are produced, the old plate is pushed forward.
The nail bed is the living tissue beneath the nail plate which resembles the rest of our skin, containing two tissues, the dermis and epidermis. It contains blood capillaries and glands.

The nail protects the fingertips and surrounding tissues from damage, thus they must be taken care of too for this function to be serviced effectively. Nails grow at different rates depending on several factors ;  age, nutrition, Hereditary matters, sex, season and many more. Fingernails tend to grow faster than toenails. They require from 3-6 months to fully regrow as opposed to toenails that require 12-18 months.

Good nail care is essential for beautiful healthy nails. Many factors appear to affect the health and development of the nail plate. For instance, diseases, lack of good nutrition, exposure to harsh chemicals at work or home all have an impact. General ail health however, has a lot to do with nutrition, it being the best way to maintain healthy nails. So, what should you do to keep your nails healthy and strong?

  • Trim your nails regularly. Nails can get infected, they can also become weak and thus easily breakable.
  • Your nail plate needs to remain hydrated in order for brittleness not to be avoided. Thus regular water consumption is good for your nails and the rest of your body.
  • A well balanced diet that will improve your overall health care will also take care of your nails. It is also thought that since keratin is a protein, an increased protein intake may be needed if your nail plate is badly off.
  • Biotin, Vitamin B supplements have been seen to have significant effects on strengthening the nails, increasing firmness and hardness in only 5 months.Rich sources of this vitamin include eggs, goat meat,  almond, peanuts and yogurt.
  • The lack of two minerals in the body have also been associated with nail plate problems - iron deficiency is thought to be closely related to spoon shaped nails and white spots on the nail are an indication of a lack of zinc. This has not been fully proven however.
  • Do not use your nails to pick and prod stuff. They are delicate and unwarranted force can make them brittle and weak.
  • Do not pull off hang nails. You may rip out live tissue, damaging your nail bed. Instead use the right tools to work on your cuticles and hang nails or get to a salon and have it done the right way.
  • If you deal with many chemicals, wear gloves. This goes for when washing dishes as well, as nails are porous and absorb water, they become easy to break when 'soaked'. You need to keep your nails semi dry and clean to prevent bacteria, fungi and the harsh chemicals seeping into your nail bed creating infections.
  • Use a moisturizer to keep your nails from drying out. Creams with urea and lactic acid can help prevent them from cracking. You can also try this little trick - buy Vitamin E capsules and prick a hole into one. Apply the gel inside the capsule on the nail.
  • Ladies, avoid nail removers that contain acetone and formaldehyde. Invest in base and top coats as well. They are meant to take care of your nail.
  • During the cold season, cover your hands with gloves. The cold can have an effect on your nails making them brittle and weak.
  • Go easy on hand sanitizer - it dries out the hands and nails.


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