Friday 23 August 2013

Don't listen to 'em! Meat is gooood for you!

I was born a Vegetarian. No meat at all! Long story short, it suffices to say I was converted! How could something taste soooooooooo good!? You know you cannot equate nyama with much else and since my friend introduced me to the art of eating Kenchic Fries with a homemade Beef Stir Fry, I have made it my mission to find many more delicious methods of cooking, frying or roasting meat!


Everyone is now going Vegan /  Vegetarian / Lacto – Vegetarian / Green…green food, green fuel, green something-or-the-other….Well, I am going Carnivore! Meat is good for you, don’t listen to them green folks! Of course too much of anything is bad for you, so I must mention here that even meat, must be done in moderation. I’m pretty sure if you inhaled too much air something may pop!

Meat contains all the essential amino acids that our bodies require for a healthy living. It is thus the most essential source of protein that we can find. The protein in meat has a number of benefits;
·         Protein assists in the production of antibodies that fight infections thus has a hand in strengthening your immune system.
·         Protein improves your general well being as well as playing a big role in repair and building of body tissues.
·         Iron- that helps in forming haemoglobin that transports oxygen to different parts of your body
·         Zinc- that helps in tissue formation and metabolism
·         Selenium- breaks down the fat and chemicals in the body.
·         Vitamins are also a big part of the one’s diet, and Vitamin A, B and D are commonly found in meat as well. Not only do these vitamins promote good vision, stronger teeth and bones but it also support the central nervous system thus promoting mental health as well.
·         Another big benefit of eating meat is the maintenance of your skin’s health- who knew!
These benefits are not conclusive, just a small show of why you really need some meat in your diet. In the blogs to come we can share roasting recipes…

Enjoy your nyama this weekend!!

Thursday 22 August 2013

Me? Farming?........YES! Here’s how!

Agriculture is the economic backbone of Kenya's economy after the service industry. In an effort to spread the practice of farming, a lot of youth have recently ventured into different farming projects. The results are impressive and many more youth are now taking advantage of the farming opportunities available. Luckily, the market has just grown wider thanks to interactive websites which have been put up to assist the young farmer get market for their products.

With the current unemployment rates recently placed at an all time high of 42%, many youth are looking for alternative opportunities for their livelihood. Previously neglected in search of blue collar jobs, it has proven to be the answer for many unemployed youth.
Some of the opportunities you can exploit are: bee keeping, vegetable farming (green house), tree planting, pig and domestic animals rearing, chicken, eggs, rabbits, cash crops and so much more. Ensure that you do proper research regarding your project before you commence.

In a bid to promote the farmer, HappyMeals has introduced a suppliers section where farmers can sell produce and rare products to the available market. This will be available on the site soon. You are encouraged to enquire about the services by sending an email to
In addition to the farmers, suppliers of popular food items that also go in bulk can take advantage of the services. Wholesalers for any food items can also put their products up for customers who prefer bulk shopping. 

Lastly, do hit us up and let’s share your thoughts on farming. We always appreciate the feedback!

Tuesday 20 August 2013

A coupla reasons why an Orange a day will keep the doctor at bay...

Cold or hot weather, there is an essential vitamin that we must always consume. Vitamin C.
Vit C has been hailed in some circles as the ultimate nutrient. Some doctors would dare to say that the overall marker for a good healthy immune system is one with high levels of Vit C.
The reason behind this may be because Vit C has been used since the ‘dark ages’ to cure all sorts of illnesses. Scurvy is now relatively rare, but it was once common among sailors, pirates, and those who spent long periods of time on board ships. When the voyages lasted longer than the supply of fruits and vegetables, the sailors began to suffer from Vit C deficiency, which led to scurvy.
Our bodies do not produce enough vitamin C for us to feel the benefits-most animals actually produce up to about 30kg of their own Vit C-we’re doing badly. And to think of our lifestyle today, everything comes out of a bottle. Put aside the supplements and eat an Orange, or a Lemon, or Grapefruits, Brocolli, Sukuma Wiki too and a myriad of fruits and vegetables. The modern uses of Vit C are quite varied. They include, but are not limited to protection against immune system deficiencies, reduces the effects of colds and flus, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease, and even skin wrinkling- Who would have thought!
It is also necessary for the growth, development and repair of all body tissues. It's involved in many body functions, including formation of collagen, absorption of iron, improvement on the immune system, wound healing, and the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth. In fact, a recent study showed Vit C was beneficial to individuals whose immune system was weakened due to stress -a condition which is very common in our society. Vit C is one of the nutrients sensitive to stress, and is the first nutrient to be depleted in alcoholics, smokers, and obese individuals- I leave you to ponder on that..
Next week I will go a little more in depth
on this amazing nutrient, let's learn together!