Monday 7 October 2013

Healthy skin do's and don'ts.

Did you know that your skin is the largest organ you have? No? Now you do, and that's why you need to keep reading this blog. Taking care of your skin is one of the most important ways to keep healthy, so gentlemen, this article is for you too! 

The skin is the first outwardly sign of what's going on on the inside. Most times we suffer from an allergy attack present themselves as rashes or reddening of the affected areas. When you feel cold, you develop goosebumps and when it's hot, you sweat. It's all about your skin. We tend to take care of our skins when it is too late, you run for the sun screen in your 300's yet you spent every December in your 20's at the beach in Coasto..

the good news is that you can always "cure" yourself naturally aka cheaply :) I say cure because our bodies are amazing at catching up to the point it should be, no matter what age you are and many people are living proof of how a healthy diet can improve ones skin health. Keeping your skin healthy and supple ensures you stay healthy too on the inside!

To start off, you need to up your water intake. Not Soda, not a sports drink, not juice (although healthy), just drink no drown,  in water. In the hot season, our bodies sweat to balance the temperatures in our bodies, this also leads to dehydration. When it is cold, your body uses up a lot more heat in keeping you warm, thus needs more fuel - water to keep you going. So we need water through out. The way to test if you are dehydrated - pinch your skin. Is it dry and flaky? Does it snap back into place or gradually goes there? With dry, dull & flaky skin, your outside does not protect your inside from the environmental effects that can make you & I ill. If you up your daily intake, the results are noticeable within days. Some may tell you to put in lemon slices to your water and drink every morning. This is partly true- lemon water is GREAT for the skin, but lemon juice is very harsh on the teeth so the more you drink it, the weaker they make your teeth. So drink lemon water in moderation and make sure it is well diluted.

Eat more fruits and vegetables and the more colorful the better. We're talking Carrots, Pumpkins, Sweet Potatoes, Red hoho colorful! These are high in many important nutrients, fiber phytochemicals and antioxidants that make them your a top priority in promoting healthy skin. They help to fight free radicals caused by all our bad habits such as smoking, excessive alcohol intake, sunburn and many others.  The Vitamin c from Oranges, Lemons, Spinach etc help in effectively reducing the signs of aging. With Vit C's astrigent properties, it can be used to diminish scars and lighten the skin tone - you can rub the inside of a lemon on your elbows to lighten to remove dark spots. 

Vit E is also very good for the skin but we do not produce enough needed by our bodies, thus must supplement. Foods such as Almonds, Avocado, Hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, Fish are all great sources of vitamins, minerals & fiber & Selenium, another powerful antioxidant. Vit E also acts as a natural bleach too that diminishes scars and helps to reduce the signs of aging by deactivating free radicals, it helps to heal sunburns and certain skin disorders as it is very nourishing and moisturizing to your skin. Selenium rich foods are also encouraged for those with Acne or are prone to acne outbursts. Collagen strengthens the capillaries that supply the skin, so it makes sense that you should gorge on these -Apples, Broccoli, Blueberries, Blackberries, Guava, Kiwi, Oranges, Pawpaws, Strawberries & Sweet Potatoes.

Do not be afraid of fat! Well, the good kind! Monounsaturated & Polyunsaturated fats found in Avocado and Fish, nuts and seeds provide essential fatty acids which as a natural moisturizer for your skin.

Bananas are a good source of Magnesium, Potassium & Iron, contain Vitamins A, B B, & E - jush mash up a banana and wear it as a mask :) you can do this to pawpaws to -  a special enzyme called papain can kill dead cells and cure skin impurities. Mangoes are also great in restoring skin elasticity. (they are in season)

Take up a regular sport - biking, hiking, swimming or whatever you fancy. Exercise helps to tone your skin and improves on blood circulation. Be sure to wear sunscreen as you step out for your regular jog, anything above SPF 15 is a good choice.

Do not take showers that are too hot. Hot waters burns the skin and strips away its natural oils leaving your skin open and vulnerable making it dry out and toughen. Have lukewarm showers instead, they are not as fun but they work just as well - rinse your face with cool water too rather than hot.

I have not even begun exhausting the ways to keep your skin fit and supple, these are just but a few. If your skin is extra dry, cut an aloe vera stem and spread the gel over the dry area. The acids in the aloe eat away dead skin cells and speed up the healing process.

And do not keep touching your face! From all the surfaces we touch in a day, touching your face with unclean hands just transfers all that germ and bacteria to your face.

What tips do you think we should know about? Share with us, let's all get that youthful glow!

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