Friday 18 October 2013

Looooong weeekend - Let's BBQ!!

Hata Kama tulinyimwa Moi Day, Mashujaa Day is coming! :)

What are you up to this long weekend? Most of us will take this opportunity to get together with our families and go visit our parents up country, it's not too often that some of us get to see them. The rest will be either working or relaxing with their friends in the city. 

As is the Kenyan Culture, we are all about Meat! Nyama Choma to be precise. We have several places in Nairobi where you can go with your friends and get a mbuzi or some chicken and have a good time. But do you really trust where you are getting your meat from? The dust, dirty water, dirty hands that touch oil, paper, money and even worse! So when you wake up on Sunday on top of your already pounding head, your stomach decides to go to driving school...

You do not need that. How about you have one at home? The weather for the last couple of days has been beautiful, it takes very little preparation and with the help of your friends, it can turn out to be quite cheap and really fun! Leme download to you the steps on how you can quickly have a grand nyama choma afternoon in your backyard - Sizzling Spare Ribs, Grilled Beef Steaks...Sausages and Kebabs! I'm hungry! 

  • Only invite meaningful friends aka the ones who contribute to costs...uchumi mbaya.
  • Write out a list of items you would need -Mbuzi, Potatoes, Unga, Veggies complete with prices etc and give it to your friends. They can pick what they can afford to bring or alternatively you can calculate the costs of all your items and split between yourselves.
  • Split tasks - Usually the men deal with the meat (buying, cutting, grilling) and the women come up with the accompaniments (Ugali, Fries, Kachumbari, Naan..) 
  • These can all be prepared at once, when everyone is there - fosters conversations and everyone gets to know each other and bond. Or everyone could come having made their bits and you have more time to sit and relax instead of running around cooking.
  • Do not grill cold meat. Meat that is for grilling is meant to be room temperature. Read more on how to grill your meat.
  • Preheat the grill to the right temperatures, this cuts down your time.
  • If you want to marinate your meats for the BBQ, make sure you have the right marinade prepared in good time. 
  • Put in sausages, chipolatas etc as bitings as the main meats grill.
  • Put out plenty of refreshments for your guests, some good music and enjoy the long holiday!

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